Thank you for your interest in our storywriting project! Sign up for this project by reading and completing the consent form below.
description of project:
The Storywriting Summer Project is a month-long project that aims to create opportunities for students in Calgary for engagement in creative work and learning new skills. The storywriting team will work with an instructor to write a children’s story based on a theme of their choosing. The students will meet with children from the community to get their perspectives and listen to their ideas and stories. Students can choose to use the ideas generated in this discussion in their final written piece. At the end of the month, the storywriting team’s final story will be published on Chatterbox Theatre Society’s website.
description of child’s role:
We are looking for young children from the community, with ages between 4 and 12, to speak with our storywriting team (high school students) and to give them unique perspectives, ideas, and stories based on the team’s chosen theme. This conversation will be done over Zoom and will be facilitated by the instructor of the storywriting team to always ensure safety. We ask parents to be in the room with their child to assist with technology, as well as to facilitate an engaging discussion!
Chatterbox Theatre Society will not ask children or students to meet in person or to discuss anything outside the parameters of the storywriting project. We will not ask children or students to meet outside of the given event time, nor to meet without a parent or guardian present. Chatterbox Theatre Society will not tolerate any forms of bullying or harrassment, and any breach of this will result in immediate strict action taken.
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